Neuroarchitecture, brain and meditation. If you think a little, it will become clear how the brain and architecture are interconnected - the one who invents and embodies it - the brain carrier. The brain that formed the architecture, then changes under its influence. Today there are scientific measurements of this effect. With the help of the MRI apparatus it has been proved that contemplation of architectural masterpieces causes a reaction in the brain that is almost the same as during meditation. Such contemplation improves the functions of the prefrontal cortex, activates the occipital lobe, the precentral gyrus, in a word, has a positive effect on the state. Truly harmonious structures of different centuries, in which natural proportions can be traced, rather than arbitrary, are favorable for the observer, which cannot be said of buildings with disharmonious proportions and forms. Dr. Julio Bermudez, in his research, identifies two types of architecture: contemplative; not...